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Three blue Pigeons


Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
One flew away!O-o-oh~~
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
Another flew away!O-o-oh~~
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.
And the third flew away!O-o-oh~~
No blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
No blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
One flew back.Whee-ee-ee-ee!
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.
Another flew back!Whee-ee-ee-ee!
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
And the third flew back!Whee-ee-ee-ee!
Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.


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