乖乖网 听儿歌 英文儿歌

Did you ever see a lassie


Did you ever see a lassie, 

Girls Sing to Boys, or Partners: 

A lassie, a lassie 

Did you ever see a lassie 

Go this way and that? 

(Girls curtsey) 

Go this way and that way, 

Go this way and that way 

(Girls continue to curtsey) 

Did you ever see a lassie 

(Girls stand still) 

Go this way and that? 

(Girls curtsey) 

Boys Sing to Girls, or Partners: 

Did you ever see a laddie, 

A laddie, a laddie 

Did you ever see a laddie 

Go this way and that? 

(Boys salute) 

Go this way and that way, 

Go this way and that way 

(Boys continue to salute) 

Did you ever see a laddie 

(Boys stand still) 

Go this way and that? 

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