乖乖网 听儿歌 英文儿歌

Hands Chant

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My mom’s hands 

are chopping the food.

Chop, chop, chopping the food.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My dad’s hands 

are washing dishes.

Wash, wash, washing dishes.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My grandma’s hands 

are petting the cat.

Pet, pet, petting the cat.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My grandpa’s hands 

are picking vegetables.

Pick, pick, picking vegetables.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My neighbor’ hands 

are cutting the tree,

Cut, cut, cutting the tree.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My friends’ hands 

are catching a ball,

Catch, catch, catching a ball.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My sister’s hands 

are typing a letter.

Type, type, typing a letter.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My teacher’s hands 

are writing on the board.

Write, write, writing on the board.

Hands, hands, what do they do?

My hands 

are clapping this music.

Clap, clap, clapping my hands. 

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