乖乖网 听儿歌 英文儿歌

I Went to School One Morning

I Send a Letter to My Friend是一首节奏轻快、深受欢迎的英文儿歌,让小朋友一边听儿歌一边学习英文,为将来学习英语打下良好基础。


went to school one morning, 

and i walked like this, 

Walked like this walked like this, 

I went to school one morning and i walked 

like this ,all on my way to school 

I saw a little robin, 

and he hopped like this, 

Hopped like this , 

Hopped like this,hopped like this 

I saw a little robin and he hopped like this 

All on my way to school. 

I saw a shiny river, 

and heI splashed like this, 

splashed like this,splashed like this

I saw a shiny river and I slashed like this, 

All on my way to school. 

I saw a little pony, 

And he galloped like this,

galloped like this,galloped like this

I saw a little pony, and he galloped like this

All on my way to school.

i saw a poor old lady, 

And she hobbled like this,

hobbled like this hobbled like this

i saw a poor old lady and she hobbled like this

All on my way to school

I saw a tall policeman, 

And he stood like this,

stood like this,stood like this,

I saw a tall policeman and he stood like this

All on my way to school

I heard the schoolbell ringing, 

And i ran like this

ran like this ran like this

I heard the schoolbell ringing and i ran like this

All on my way to school

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