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Ding Dong Bell


Ding dong bell. Pussy in the well 

Who put her in? Little Johnny Green 

Who pulled her out? Little Tommy stout 

What a naughty boy was that to drown poor pussy cat 

Who never did any harm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm 

Ding dong bell. Pussy in the well 

Who put her in? Little Johnny Green 

Who pulled her out? Little Tommy stout 

What a naughty boy was that to drown poor pussy cat 

Who never did any harm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm 

Ding dong bell. Pussy in the well 

Who put her in? Little Johnny Green 

Who pulled her out? Little Tommy stout 

What a naughty boy was that to drown poor pussy cat 

Who never did any harm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm 

Ding dong bell. Pussy in the well 

Who put her in? Little Johnny Green 

Who pulled her out? Little Tommy stout 

What a naughty boy was that to drown poor pussy cat 

Who never did any harm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm 

But killed all the mice in his father's farm

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