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双语故事:逃学的小猪The Pig's Day off

The Pig's Day Off
There was an animal school in the forest. Grandpa Goat was a teacher in the school, the monkey, black dog, little pig and the little horse were all students. Every day, Grandpa Goat taught them to speak English. The monkey, black dog, the little dog and the hourse were learning by heart. But the little pig wasn't absorbed. Now he was seizing the monkey's tail and now he was scratching the mole's hair. He hadn't learned anything taught by the teacher.
One day, the little pig pretended to have a stomachache and didn't go to school. When his mother went to work, he took some money from the drawer and decided to have a good time outside. And happily he came to panda's department store. There were so many goods in the store. The little pig looked here and there, then he decided to buy a pair of new trousers. Then Aunt Panda saw him and asked:" Oh, lttle pig, what can I do for you? what do you want? " " I want to buy a rabbit." the pig said. " this is a department store, we have no rabbits." But the panda still didn't understand. The pig got worried, now he tried to express his idea with his body language. " I want to put them on" Then Aunt Panda listened and looked carefully. And she understood this time, the pig tried one pair on and bought it. And then he left the store proudly and freely. He felt excited and couldn't help singing:" la-la-la- I'm the most beautiful in the world."
Suddenly, he smelt the sweet smell of rice. Then he felt hungry, he could even feel his stomach rumbling. So he came to the Squirrel Restaurant, sat at the table and got ready for a rice meal:" what shall I eat? well, the fried eggs, oh, I've eaten that, they're delicious. So I'll have fried eggs again", he made a decision. And now his mouth was watering. And the water was dropping onto his new trousers. But he didn't know it at all. Then the squirrel came to him and asked politely:" what would you like? little pig" But the pig forgot how to say "egg". Grandpa Goat had taught him that. But now he couldn't remember. Then he got an idea and said:" well, Mr. Squirrel, what do you call the one who goes Cock-a-doodle-doo?" then he cried like a cock. The squirrel told him:" it's a cock but what do you want? "what about a cock's wife?" "it's a hen, so do you want a hen?" "No, no, I want a hen's child." The squirrel answered carefully:"it's an egg. you want a fried egg, right?" "That's just what I want. Oh, would you please be quick." The other animals in the restaurant heard their talk and now they were laughing at the pig. "oh, I should have learnt more. That's really a lesson for me." the pig thought and he decided to be a good student and study hard later on.

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