乖乖网 听儿歌 英文儿歌

Dont put your trousers on your head

Don't put your trousers on your head, Fred. You know you should put your legs in those.

Fasten up your buttons and your zip, Pip. That's the way to wear your clothes.

Velcro fasteners, buttons or zip. Got to do them up or you will trip. If you run around with shoes undone, you're going to fall and it's not much fun!

Don't put the zipper round the back, Jack. The hood will cover up your face. And don't wear gloves upon your feet, Pete. You'll be last in every race.

Velcro fasteners, buttons or zip. Got to do them up or you will trip. If you run around with shoes undone, you're going to fall and it's not much fun!

A belt for your skirt is very handy, Mandy. It stops it falling to your knees. And when you know just what to do, Sue, you'll be as neat as you can be.

Velcro fasteners, buttons or zip. Got to do them up or you will trip. If you run around with shoes undone, you're going to fall and it's not much fun!

Don't put your trousers on your head!

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